We are here. We are tired. We ate. We came back to the motel. We tried to post pictures but are having issues and we are too tired to figure them out. All is well until they found out there was no pool in the hotel. I'm afraid many of them had moved on to la la land anyway as I am. zzzzzzzzz......
Sleep well! Glad you made it safe!!!! Can't wait for some pictures of the kids and the sites!!! Thank you for being with our kids.
Can't wait to see the pics! Thanks for taking care of everyone there!
Your post did sound like you all are exhausted. Long time traveling. Will be looking for more when you can post again!
I'm so glad that you all made it there safely. Rest and have a wonderful day !!!
Next time can you write in another color? It's really hard to read! Glad you arrived safely.. Hope you have had some sleep and were able to sleep some on the plane..
Thanks for letting us know that you all made it safely. Have a GREAT day and soak it ALL in!!!
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