Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Moments to Remember

  • Picture Amanda buying a sour dough bear in San Francisco. Now picture Amanda in Beijing getting sniffed by a drug dog at the airport. Mr. Chimento and I had not seen the interaction so we heard about it later via Travis who humorously stated, "Turns out the dog was just wanting her sour dough bear."
  • Kim, Alex and Amanda playing volleyball on The Great Wall.
  • Feeling like movie stars but realizing that the anomaly was facial hair, leg hair, blond hair and the like. The Chinese tourists enjoyed taking pictures with us as much as the historic places they were visiting. Kim's last count was 45.
  • Erica, Nicole, Ande and Olivia who have discovered that China's scenery apparently also  includes humans. :)
  • Wes who is dreaming about our trip getting interrupted and being told he needs to get back on the plan for another 15 hour journey home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yours thoughts and pictures are truly appreciated. The orange font. Seems to work the best. This new post I have to highlight to read. You corrected the 27 th font.