Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 3 (by Sarah)

So, Day Three was April Fool's Day and it surely lived up to its name. The entire EF group didn't get a wake up call, so most of us woke up about thirty minutes before the bus left. For me it was an experience because I woke up fifteen minutes before the call was supposed to happen, but I decided that I wanted to sleep rather than to take a shower; it was a bad decision.
First, we went to a museum called The History of Berlin. We looked at a nuclear bomb bunker, and the bunker itself was really creepy. It was dark, cramped, and I'm pretty sure that if I was stuck down there, I would go crazy. Then there was a self guided tour of the cities history.
Then, there was the optional tour to Potsdam where the big three (Stalin, Churchill and Truman) met to discuss the agreements to end the war in Europe (my group did it). My part was seeing Stalin's office. I have a particular interest in Stalin so I felt really cool being able to say that I have been in his office. We also saw Truman's and Churchill's offices, along with the Conference hall. We concluded with a walking tour of the city square.
We experienced Berlin through Sbahn (above ground) and Unahn (below ground) trains and felt like one of the crowd.
Right after that, we went to a WWII bunker with our EF group leader Anja. It was really cool, because we saw how the Nazis used propaganda to manipulate the population into thinking that the bunkers were safe when in reality, they weren't. We saw where people would go during WWII, and the struggles they experienced with the rooms that they were trapped in during the air raids.
Essentially, throughout the day I learned a lot; Bunkers weren't really as safe as the people would've thought they would be. I also find that I really enjoy meeting people from other counties.

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